Friday, October 9, 2009

Scumbag Jeryl Rosh Still Abusing Her Position As Judge For Personal Gain

There seems to be a lot of people turning up saying they've been screwed by Dekalb County Probate judge Jeryl Debra Rosh. She has been a judge less than 3 years and is the focus of several pending and upcoming lawsuits against the county and the state in relation to her improper, indignant, repulsive and down right criminal conduct on the bench.

Here's some interesting comments found recently at the Court House Forum website.

Comment 1:
I too believe Judge Rosh to not be honest. How can she hear a case for a man who has NEVER LIVED IN GEORGIA? His daughter lives in Georgia, she went to NC and told him they were going out to eat and she took him to Georgia, put him in a nursing home managed by her husband and the social worker who determined if a person was depressed, etc. was her adopted daughter. They kept him "doped" and claimed he was not able to come to court. Why? All because he was getting married to the woman he had been with for 16 years and had given her his POA. Money and greed - that is all it was about!!!!!!!! Judge Rosh had a lot to gain by helping a man who manages nursing homes and can help her with money!!!!! She had nothing to gain by helping an elderly man live the rest of his life with the woman he loves, in the home he loves, and around his friends who he loves and who loves him. Instead she put him in a nursing home to be alone and miserable the rest of his life. He had been so afraid of going to a nursing home because he saw his mother live in one for 10 years and did not know she was in the world and he DID NOT WANT THAT FOR HIMSELF! What a shame the courts allow such!
Comment 2:
I think Judge Rosh makes up her mind before ever entering the courtroom or hearing any evidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think she is the WORST JUDGE I have ever seen in a courtroom!!!!!!!!!!

Note: Any person who has been victimized by Jeryl Debra Rosh acting under color of law and abusing her position as judge in the Deklab County Probate Court should contact the Judicial Qualifications Commission and file a complaint.

Judicial Qualifications Commission
State Of Georgia
8206 Hazelbrand Road
Covington GA 30014
(770) 784-3189

The complaint form is available for download here: COMPLAINT FORM.