Jeryl Rosh is a disgrace to the judiciary, DeKalb County and the State of Georgia. She has held her office for a number of years and her case record shows that she holds deep contempt for pro se litigants.
Rosh is known to manipulate records of case files, omit filed documents in said cases, disregard evidence, violate litigants right to due process, rule on subject matter outside her jurisdiction, refuse to follow proper procedure of transferring cases that lie outside her jurisdiction to the appropriate courts and fabricate charges for the benefit of her lawyer associates in exchange for monetary funds, including but not limited to campaign contributions during elections periods in which she runs unopposed.
She is aided in her crimes by the DeKalb County Sheriffs Department, the DeKalb County District Attorneys Office and even Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue and is known to shelter herself from prosecution for her crimes under Eleventh Amendment Immunity.
CAJC maintains this blog and the original Rosh Watch page at our website in order to alert the public to the rampant corruption within the Probate Court of DeKalb County Georgia and garner the support of others in seeking the impeachment Jeryl Debra Rosh.
Please visit Citizens Against Judicial Corruption and Rosh Watch for additional information.